Embark on a journey of artistic discovery with Misty Meadow, an enchanting jigsaw puzzle from Karmin International. Created by renowned artist Caplyn Dor, this 1000-piece puzzle transports puzzlers to a world of natural splendor. The intricate design captures the essence of flower and garden themes, coupled with the allure of lakes and rivers. With dimensions of 20" x 27", this puzzle is the perfect way to unwind and unleash creativity while indulging in a visual delight that is as challenging as it is rewarding.
Themes: Flower & Garden, Lakes & Rivers
Age | 11+ |
Artist | Caplyn Dor |
Puzzle Type | Jigsaw Puzzle |
Mfg. Part Number | 02863-SB |
UPC Number | 773392028630-5 |
Release Year | 2021 |
Puzzle Category | Landscapes & Scenery |
Item Number | 152587 |
Availability | Online Only |
I loved this puzzle. The trees were difficult and because the colors were so dark, it was more difficult than others. I finished the sky first.
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