Brand Comparison: A Broader View
This page is part of our Puzzle Brand Comparison. You can find the overview page here
Last Updated On: April 21, 2022
Summary: A Broader View puzzles offers several puzzle collections for children and adults, including their popular Round Table Collection. This collection features images that wrap around the circumference of the puzzle, making puzzling with multiple people easy and fun. Each puzzler will have a top-to-bottom view of their puzzle section! The pieces are a random cut that lends an extra challenge to the experience. The pieces are slightly thin, however, they are nice and sturdy. The puzzle box is compact, and includes a poster. The Round Table Collection comes in both 500- and 1000-piece counts.
Image Categories: Animals, landmarks, travel, circular, and more
Key Facts:
Cut: Random
Front Finish: Semi-Glossy
Piece Backing: Plain Chipboard
Piece Thickness: 1.6mm or 0.06in
Puzzle Dust Level: Low
Piece Fit: Loose, but monogamous fit. You can slide completed sections across a smooth puzzle surface, but you will need a tool to lift and move sections.
Piece Counts Offered: 500, 1000
Packaging: Boxes are compact squares for the Round Table Collection and large rectangles for the other collections. The box comes wrapped in plastic and the pieces come bagged. There is a cardboard band in the box to prevent the pieces from shifting.
Box Bonuses: Includes poster
What Comes in the Box
Examples of Piece Shapes
Front and Back of Box
Completed Puzzle Image