Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse

Color Boom by Clementoni

June gloom is upon us and I must admit… I absolutely LOVE chilly, gloomy, and gray days. It's widely been known that Los Angeles, the place I call home, is all sunshine all the time. This has been true since the dawn of L.A.s inception. What people don’t know is that the last 3-4 years, Los Angeles has had a very gloomy and chilly June. As we speak, the weather has been hovering at 68 degrees. Wanna know a secret? I have been loving every single second of it! The colder and gloomier the weather is, the happier Marwa is. Having said that, I know that isn’t the case for many of you, so I am here to brighten your gloomy days with… puzzles of course! To be specific, I am here to fight your June gloom with Color Boom puzzles by Clementoni.

Clementoni released a collection of puzzles aptly called the Color Boom and boy are they colorful! My favorite one, and the star of the blog, is a 500 piece beauty called Squares.




This was my first Clementoni, and what a bright and colorful introduction to a much loved brand! I have zero complaints about Clementoni. The fit of the pieces were beautifully snug, there was absolutely no puzzle dust, and most importantly, no false fits happened. At first glance, the image looked a tad complicated due to each window sharing several colors on the puzzle piece, but it went by smoothly and a tad too fast. I didn’t want it to end, but like all good things it had to come to a colorful end. I think 500 pieces for this image was perfect. 



The vibrancy of the colors came through and gave the gloomy days I spent putting this puzzle together the splash of neon every gray background needs. Other than its great quality, I probably loved this puzzle as much as I did because it had all my favorite colors: black, hot pink, purple and basically all things neon. 



Clementoni released a few others in the Color Boom collection. If you like a bigger piece count, then you might enjoy Whirl in a 1000 pieces. Beautifully swirled neon flowers, who wouldn’t be smiling while putting this gorgeous flowery puzzle together?


Need an even bigger piece count? I’ve got your back! This Color Boom Pixel is 1500 and I love how its 3D effect is more prominent in this image. It definitely gives an extra layer of fun, and challenge, to your puzzling experience. 

If you are the daredevil that I am most definitely not, and need an even more challenging piece count, then here you go my friend! At a whopping 2000 pieces you can enjoy a gorgeous Gradient. It's a definite beauty! 

The Color Boom collection is exactly what is needed during June Gloom. Although, I can see The Color Boom collection being enjoyed on warm sunny days as well! It’s such a happy and joyful collection it would suit any weather. I love how they have different styles, and varied piece counts, to satisfy all levels and tastes of puzzlers. So tell me… Have you done a puzzle from the Color Boom collection? If so, which was your favorite? Share your comments with me below! 

Happy puzzling!



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Susan W. - Alpharetta, GA

Love the vibrant colors!

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