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Puzzling Through American Heart Month

Hello, fellow puzzlers!

My name is Michaela, and I have a puzzle problem, which is the best problem to have. I started puzzling before I can remember, and competed in my first speed puzzling event in 2016. Since then, I have been a part of many wonderful teams and have some awesome puzzle awards. I also helped coordinate and host the We Heart Puzzle competition and raffle for the USA Jigsaw Puzzle Association in February 2021, as a way to take my mind off of heart testing I was going through at the time. So today, I will talk about puzzling through American Heart Month, aka February!

Today I will discuss puzzles that embody heart health, starting with my favorite puzzle of heart anatomy. I have completed the Eurographics 1,000-piece puzzle, “The Heart” a few times now. Coming from an exercise science-heavy background, I love this line of puzzles from Eurographics and found them overall pretty simple to put together for a 1,000-piece puzzle. I love this puzzle because it walks you through the basic heart anatomy, both the outside and the inside, as well as the circulation of blood through the heart. It’s also awesome because it shows you the English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian translations for every part of the body. Although this puzzle appears to have a lot of white, there are actually bubbles and boxes around different parts of the puzzle, which limits the number of pieces that are a single solid color. If you are interested in learning more about heart anatomy, I highly recommend this puzzle!

If you are more curious about human anatomy overall, and how the heart sits in the body, Dr. Livingston’s Anatomy series is perfect, and you can find the heart in “The Human Thorax” puzzle. However, Dr. Livingston’s puzzles don’t stop there. In fact, they have the best puzzle for youngins to learn about the heart as well. Their Jr. Anatomy puzzle “Human Heart Floor Puzzle” is the perfect 100 pieces to start talking about the heart and how it keeps us moving. 

The other part of puzzling through heart month is movement! Movement comes in all forms, just like puzzles! And there’s a great crossover between them! When it’s cold, rainy, or movement hurts, we can find movement in puzzles. Through puzzles, we can rock climbplay soccerhikecanoebike, and so much more. When I’m not puzzling, working, or studying, I enjoy trail running, HIIT workouts, tennis, and disc golf. Two of these are new to me, and my favorite part about tennis and disc golf is learning new skills while having fun with my boyfriend and friends. 

I’m curious, what’s your favorite way to move?

Let me know on my Instagram: PuzzleProblem! I can’t wait to enjoy this year of sharing puzzles and thoughts with you!

Until next time, 


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