Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse
You are viewing blog articles posted by Ambassador, Robin D. View All Articles

Hello there! It’s been another month of especially vigorous puzzling at the Puzzle Ambassador’s Residence, and right after pausing my stopwatch to chase the cat up the stairs and grab a slobber-soaked puzzle piece out of his jaw, I had to wonder whether his contributions were actually helping or hindering my puzzling on the whole. CONTINUE READING

Hello there! I made it through my first month as a Puzzle Ambassador (uppercased) and it’s going OK. I did a lot of puzzles on my dining room table, some of them one-handed while fending off a cat. I designed a couple of puzzles on my Photoshops. And I did a lot of digging (too much digging?) into the Puzzle Warehouse website, which has yielded some interesting finds. Most notably, if their collection of puzzles is to be taken seriously, I think a hot air balloon invasion is imminent. CONTINUE READING

Hello there! I’m so. incredibly. excited. to be your Ambassador! It is an honor; and following in the footsteps of Henry Kissinger, Marie Yovanovitch, and all the fine members of the U.S. Foreign Service, I plan to do my best to represent the capable, diverse, and innovative people of this country in my goings on across the world with dignity and grace. Overflowing buckets of grace. CONTINUE READING

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