Embark on an intergalactic journey with Outer Space, the captivating 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle by Turner. This cosmic masterpiece brings the wonders of the universe right into your living room. Assembling this puzzle is like piecing together the secrets of the universe. With its vibrant colors and intricate details, it provides an immersive experience that will challenge and delight puzzle enthusiasts aged 11 and above. The puzzle measures 29" x 20" when completed, making it a substantial and impressive piece of art. Dive into the depths of space and explore the mysteries that lie beyond with Outer Space.
Themes: Space
Age | 11+ |
Puzzle Type | Jigsaw Puzzle |
Mfg. Part Number | 8410519 |
UPC Number | 841622149438 |
Puzzle Category | Science |
Item Number | 148389 |
Store Location(s) | SALE |
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