Calling all amateur sleuths! Double your fun with these murder mystery puzzles by solving the puzzle and the crime. Perfect for weekly game nights, rainy days, or your own murder mystery party, these puzzles provide hours of fun and entertainment. Each puzzle pack includes a story for you to read and a jigsaw puzzle you must put together to solve the mystery. Choose from classic Sherlock Holmes who-done-it mysteries, wine- and food-themed mysteries, escape puzzles, and more.
On the hunt for a new puzzle and need something more specific than piece count? Or even a specific puzzle type? Browse our puzzles by theme to explore our thousands of options for adults and kids alike. In addition to almost every puzzle type imaginable, Puzzle Warehouse offers a wide selection of fun board games and mind-bending brainteasers to get you thinking. If you want to see what we have just received as a new arrival, check them out here, as we stock hundreds of new puzzles and games every month!
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