Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse

How to Update or Cancel Your Puzzle of the Month Club

Need to update or cancel? Follow the steps below to update your membership!

1. To update information, card payments or cancel your Puzzle of the Month Club, you must first access the 'Account' section located

on the upper right corner of PuzzleWarehouse.com.

Manage Account

2. Once logged in, you’ll want to select ‘Clubs’ towards the bottom of your account page.

Manage Clubs

3. Next,  you'll need to click on either 'Update Card', 'Cancel Club' or 'Update Address'.

If clicking on 'Update Card' or 'Update Address' go to step 4A. If clicking on 'Cancel Club' go to Step4B.

Click Update or Cancel


4A. When clicking on 'Update Card' or 'Update Address' you will be prompt to enter the information that is needed. After entering the needed updated information, click ‘Update Club’. After completing this, you have successfully updated your Puzzle of the Month Clubs information.

Update Club


4B. When clicking on ‘Cancel Club’ you will be canceling your Puzzle of the Month Club from that point

Still, having trouble updating or canceling your Puzzle of the Month Club?
Contact support or give us a call at 866-539-4278 (8 AM – 6 PM CT Monday through Friday).

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