Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse
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Happy February Puzzle Fam! This month is starting out sunny and cold, but don’t you worry, the PNW rains aren’t gone for too long. The weather report says we have at least a week of rain coming up. It can get kind of oppressive, but the rains fill our lakes and rivers and keep our mountains snow covered. In fact, one of this state’s crowning glories is a beautiful, glacial topped mountain. I read somewhere that the glacial soil lends itself to our glorious farmland here. CONTINUE READING

Hello out there in puzzleland and welcome to another year of Jigsaw Junkies blogs!  I’m back from a long winter’s nap and excited to talk (or write) puzzles with y’all!  I hope everyone had a nice holiday season and a happy New Year!  I received a ton of fantastic new puzzles that I will be sure to hoard in my stash for at least 5 years. Do any of you glorious readers ever puzzle by season? I know of some people that like to pull out sunny, flowery puzzles for spring or warm, or comforting puzzles in hues of red and gold. CONTINUE READING

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, one of the best things about puzzles is that they can be about anything! Think of this article as an addendum to my “What’s Your Favorite Puzzle Genre” post because we’re about to go down the rabbit hole that is…POP CULTURE PUZZLES! First off, what exactly is “pop culture”? Popular culture is the set of attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and objects that is characteristic of a particular society at a given time. It can be broken down into different categories, such as media, entertainment, fashion, and sports. CONTINUE READING

The rains have begun here in the PNW and usually, my tastes veer to the colorful, just to make up for the lack there of. This year has been particularly jarring because we had warm, sunny weather for well into October when suddenly, the carpet was pulled out from underneath us and the seasonal cold and wet set in. Fall had arrived. Apparently, my puzzling proclivities didn’t get the memo, because the other week, during our first major storm of the season, I found a colorless puzzle on my table. CONTINUE READING

There’s a new puzzle company in the house, the Puzzle Warehouse, and it’s name is Professor Puzzle.  What started out as a metal puzzle company sold at neighborhood markets quickly grew into a full fledged puzzle and game business. Professor Puzzle not only makes the Metal Earth products, but they also make wooden puzzles, and board games. I have to admit, I have never heard of this company before. CONTINUE READING

Hello out there, Puzzle World. I am writing this on a Sunday and I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. My family decided to go fishing and I decided to not go with them. Let me tell you, these days that I get to myself are delightful. I like to pad around the house in jammies, drink coffee, do puzzles and watch my stories. One of the few shows that I will rewatch ad nauseam is Bob's Burgers. CONTINUE READING

Hello Puzzle Fam! Today we are going to talk about my all time favorite puzzle brand, Pomegranate Puzzles. I remember my first Pomegranate. The year was 2019 and I had just gotten back into puzzles. I found myself in the possession of Gustave Baumann’s Plum and Peach Bloom. I didn’t really love the image, but I had never put together a Pomegranate and I wanted to try all the brands! CONTINUE READING 

Hello, beautiful puzzle people! I’m not sure if you stay abreast of all the different weather patterns in the US, but this year, it was a wet spring in the PNW.  The temperature stayed in the 60’s for most of June and the rain seemed to want to stay forever! Now, if you’ve been with me (either here or on my IG) for a while, you would know that I am a straight up goblin girl. I love cloudy, cool days and my hoodies with leggings, so the extended PNW gloom into the summer months was a dream come true for me. CONTINUE READING

Hello out there in Puzzle Land!  April may have brought showers, but it also brought me a kitchen renovation with the added bonus of new floors. Don’t worry, my house was not destroyed by a PNW springtime deluge (although we did have one week where it hailed everyday, and one day it hailed so much there were leftovers the next day!), it was something we planned and wanted for a very long time. CONTINUE READING

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