Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse

Spring is in the air here in Eastern Canada! Finally! It has been a long cold winter and dreaming of the warm days ahead, I decided to redo a summer sunset scene, the 500-piece Springbok’s Barnyard Animals. This same picture, by artist Dona Gelsinger, is also available in 36 and 100 piece counts. Perfect for all ages. CONTINUE READING

Sorting is a hotly debated topic when it comes to puzzles. Some people sort and love it. Some people sort and hate it. Some people don’t sort at all. There are no rules. I love sorting. I love taking that time to plan my strategy and look at the details. One of the most popular questions I get is “how do you sort your pieces?”. So using Ultima Thule by Puzzlelife featuring the work of award-winning artist Jacek Yerka, I am going to walk through my strategy. CONTINUE READING

What is it about a puzzle that causes someone to say, “That was a GOOD puzzle,” rather than I’m so glad I finished that. Put it in the box and donate it to the thrift store!” I think it varies from one person to the next. That’s why there are so many different types of puzzles – something for everyone. Not much of an answer, I know. But it’s why it’s so difficult to buy a puzzle for someone else. Hint to family and friends: Gift cards please! CONTINUE READING

Lights, Camera, Action! It’s March, and in many parts of the country, that means it’s not quite warm enough to be out all the time, which can bring upon uhhh...madness. It is a good time to get away from those brackets and get out to see a movie, or still cold enough to cuddle up and stream one on the couch. Everyone has a favorite movie, or a brand/genre. Are you Team Superhero? Or on Team Princess? Maybe you’re into the classics like The Wizard Of Oz, or Alice In Wonderland. Whatever makes your corn pop, there is likely a puzzle out there for it. CONTINUE READING

I love all things unique and unusual, especially when it comes to puzzles! If there is something unusual about the puzzle shape, surface, material, or the overall puzzle experience, sign me up! CONTINUE READING

Just like Jigsaw Junkies very own puzzling master and loquacious comedian Gaby, I was raised on science fiction movies growing up. I can’t tell you how many times I got caught tip-toeing downstairs past my bedtime trying to sneak scenes from these action packed, gory, and definitely not kid approved movies. I think out of sheer will power, I wore my dad down and against his better judgment, he gave in one night and let me stay and watch. Did this impact my childhood? 100% YES! By the time I was nine, I was quoting Terminator Two and Aliens, and Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley were just some of my role models. CONTINUE READING

In honor of National Quilting Day tomorrow, I thought I would do some piecework myself – patching together some of the beautiful puzzles I’ve done – and want to do - that feature quilts.  I’ve noticed that a lot of puzzlers out there are avid crafters, but I have a confession to make. I am NOT one of them!  So why am I writing a blog about quilting and why do I have so many puzzles that feature them and other crafts? It’s because I WANT to craft. CONTINUE READING

If you’re like me, when someone says “jigsaw puzzle”, the first image that comes to mind is the standard, rectangular or square puzzle with traditional shaped pieces.  The innovations we see now within the puzzle community is incredible.  We have stainless steel puzzles, PVC puzzles and puzzles that can stick on windows just to name a few.  3D puzzles have been available for some time but for me are not generally a style I consider when I’m puzzle shopping. CONTINUE READING 

I wanted to try something new for my blog post this month. After spending a few days pursuing Puzzle Warehouse's huge selection, I decided to try out a couple of lenticular puzzles. Lenticular puzzles have a very unique effect; when you look at them from different angles, some have a 3D effect and others shift colors. The two I'm going to tell you about are the color shifting type. Depending on what angle you're viewing them from, they'll be a different color. CONTINUE READING

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