Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse

Windows and doors, entrances and exteriors, inviting or not! I think it’s my love for collages that draws me to this type of puzzle. I am always photographing doors and windows while travelling, always looking for new, interesting and different offerings. Windows, by Re-marks, is a fun collection of windows and cats. It has 1000 sturdy pieces made from recycled materials. CONTINUE READING

At over 100 years old, Gibsons is a part of the puzzle history. What I think is even cooler about the company is it remains family-owned. Founded by Harry Percy Gibson in 1919, Gibsons is now proudly run by his great-granddaughter Kate. This UK-based company creates games and puzzles that are a bit harder to find in the US but Puzzle Warehouse stocks plenty! CONTINUE READING

It’s spooky season!!! I love all things creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky... Wait, I think I’ve heard something like that before... Creature Feature was my first Hart Puzzle, and there was a lot of love to go around. Hart Puzzles mission statement, which is proudly displayed prominently on both the front/top and the back/bottoms of their boxes... CONTINUE READING

Every year I look forward to December when I do all Christmas-themed puzzles all month long. Here are some of the jigsaw puzzles I cannot wait to do in December. For 26 years, Ravensburger has released a limited edition Christmas puzzle. This year’s puzzle, Santa's Workshop, is a traditional Christmas scene packed with details. CONTINUE READING

For the month of October, I want to share one of my favorite kinds of jigsaw puzzles with you: murder mystery puzzles. These are great any time, but especially fun during this spooky time of year. And who better a subject for a good murder mystery than the Master of Suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock? CONTINUE READING

Most of you know that I’m an Australian puzzler. A lot of brands available in the US are either not available here or can be difficult and pricey to acquire. I’m so very grateful for the opportunity of being a 2022 Puzzle Warehouse Ambassador, as it has provided me with so many happy moments as I unbox puzzle brands that I’ve desired and have been so hopeful to try. CONTINUE READING

I have always loved Halloween! My birthday is just a couple of days before the holiday, so I always claimed it as an extension of my special day. I remember one year when my friends had a Halloween party and I was crushed that nobody wished me a happy birthday that night. Didn’t they know that this was MY holiday? I went home and cried my eyes out. The next night, I was quite sheepish when it turned out the reason why they kept mum was that there was a surprise party for me the next night! Needless to say, tackling a Halloween-themed blog was a treat for me! CONTINUE READING

Canadian Pacific - Railroad Adventures covers so many categories! It is a collage of historical posters representing many facets of the CPR company. The railway, completed in 1887, connects the east and west coast of Canada. It’s incredible to think of all the areas of travel and vacation land that are represented here! CONTINUE READING

I still remember the thrill of midnight release parties for the latest Harry Potter book. Hanging out with all the other muggles looped through the bookstore while we practically glowed with anticipation was, well … magical. The Wizarding World still captivates me twenty-five years later and now I get to explore it through the wonderful world of jigsaw puzzles too! CONTINUE READING

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